Every bioinformatician should know the importance of the R ecosystem for bioinformatics. Thanks to Bioconductor, we have a huge list of packages focused on solving different kinds of bioinformatics problems. Even though these packages provide great documentation, biologists, physicists and biotechnologists that doesn’t know the basics of R still depends on some bioinformatician to run their analysis. Considering this, at CSBL we are starting to develop tools that make some of these bioinformatics tasks more accessible for non-bioinformaticians.

The first tool we’ve developed was CEMiTool. It is a web application (written in Python) that makes the discovery of gene co-expression modules less painful. Under the hood it is running R functions provided by the CEMiTool package. Here I will describe some problems that I faced when developing this application. If you ever needed to deploy R code to production, this post may be helpful to you!

The problem

The CEMiTool package main function takes at least one minute to finish its execution (time depends on the size of the input matrix). Although one minute seems a short time for a bioinformatics analysis to finish, it is an eternity for a web application. I’ll try to illustrate why this is a problem. Imagine the following steps:

  1. User request analysis to Python web application
  2. Python web application receives request
  3. Python web application runs R function
  4. Python web application send response back to the user

If you are running your application in a single process and the step 3 is synchronous, the website would hang until the step 3 finishes. If the user analysis takes one minute, your website would hang for one minute before responding the next requests. This is a terrible experience for the user.

One solution for this problem is decoupling the request-response execution flow from the analysis execution by turning the step 3 into an asynchronous task.

Celery for the rescue!

Celery is a Python package for asynchronous task execution. It works by sending task execution requests (through some message broker) to worker processes that run in parallel. If we adapt our previous example to use Celery it would turn to something like this:

  1. User request analysis to Python web application
  2. Python web application receives request
  3. Python web application asks Celery worker to run analysis
  4. Python web application send response immediatelly back to the user

Now, every time a user sends an analysis request, the application server responds immediatelly while the analysis is being executed asynchronously by the Celery worker.

Alright! Everything looks just fine. The only problem is that our analysis functions are written in R while Celery is written in Python. How can we deal with this situation? Here I’ll present two solutions for this.

Solution 1 - Subprocess module

The celery worker process only understands tasks written in Python. The only way to run an R function triggered by Celery is to write a Python task that uses the subprocess module to create a R process that executes our analysis. Even though this approach worked, it was not ideal. I’ll list some of the reasons that made me think twice before putting this solution into production.

The first one has to do with Docker. In our use case, the web application and the celery worker processes are kept in independent containers. This allows us to scale the different services independently, which is great for us. However, with this solution, we had to create a celery worker image with both Python and R installed, together with all systems dependencies needed by both languages, which made the Docker image much heavier than it should be.

The second reason has to do with task progress monitoring. When you declare a Celery task in Python using the bind=True parameter, you can update the progress by calling self.update_state. However, when the task you need to monitor is running on a subprocess, how can you access its progress? The only way to achieve this is by parsing its STDOUT and STDERR and infering the progress by the output generated by the subprocess. In other words, you R function necessarily needs to print hints about its progress to STDOUT for you to monitor.

Solution 2 - Celery worker for R

The discontent with the first solution led me to create the Rworker package. This package allows you to declare your own R tasks that will be directly executed without an intermediate Python process. I will explain a little bit about how to use it and how it overcomes the weaknesses of the first solution.


With Rworker, you can easily define your R tasks. You just need to provide to the rworker function:

  • queue = message broker url
  • qname = what is the queue name
  • workers = the number of worker processes
  • backend = where to store task execution state

# Broker url
redis_url <- 'redis://localhost:6379'

# Instantiate Rworker object
consumer <- rworker(qname='celery', workers=2,
                    queue=redis_url, backend=redis_url)

After creating the consumer object, you can now register your tasks and start listening to new messages sent from Celery.

# Register tasks
}) %>% consumer$task(name='long_running_task')

# Start consuming messages

Not that hard, right? You can now trigger this R task from Python:

from celery import Celery

redis_url = "redis://localhost:6379/0"

worker = Celery('app', broker=redis_url, backend=redis_url)

Now that you know how Rworker works, let’s understand how it overcomes those weaknesses.

The Docker image size problem is reduced because now we can create a celery worker image only with R installed in it.

The progress monitoring problem is also solved. The Rworker package implements a “magical function” called task_progress. This function can be called from inside the task definition. Every time this function is called, the task progress is updated.

# Register tasks
    task_progress("Starting task")
    task_progress("Finished task")
}) %>% consumer$task(name='task_with_progress')

There is no need for your task to print stuff into the STDOUT for progress monitoring. The task progress is defined together with the task.


The Rworker package is still in early development but it is already helping us getting the R code into production. For now, it only supports Redis as message broker and results backend. If you want to add support for another broker/backend, here is the Github repo. :)